Tag Archives: parenting styles

Kimberly Kopko of Cornell University presents an overview of four parenting styles — authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved. Where are you on the parenting style spectrum and how is it influencing your teen? Psychologist Diana Baumrind identified four patterns of parenting styles …

Rules and boundaries help your teen learn that his or her behavior has consequences and help guide towards moral, mental, and emotional maturity. Rules are prescribed limits for behavior, conduct, or action. Boundaries are those rules that a person creates to identify for …

There are three major areas that are crucial to the parent-teen relationship – connection, monitoring, and psychological autonomy. A sense of connection between a teenager and parent provides a backdrop against which all other interaction takes place. If the parent-child connection is consistent, positive, and …

Total Transformation, an at-home program for parents, can help your troubled and struggling teen and heal your family.