Tag Archives: communication
Active listening is listening with the purpose of understanding – not replying. This creates an atmosphere of caring, respect, and positive problem-solving. How to Listen to Your Teen by Amanda Kowal, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Human Development & Family Studies, Human …
Here are some simple actions you can take to connect and strengthen your relationship with your teen. Be a good listener. Listening is one of the most important skills a parent can develop to build a good relationship. It leads to open …
There are three major areas that are crucial to the parent-teen relationship – connection, monitoring, and psychological autonomy. A sense of connection between a teenager and parent provides a backdrop against which all other interaction takes place. If the parent-child connection is consistent, positive, and …
Teen dating violence often starts as emotional or verbal abuse and can quickly escalate into physical abuse or sexual violence. Statistics compiled by Love is Respect show that many teens have experienced dating violence and most teens know someone who …
By following Dr. Susan’s steps, you can help your teen adjust to a stepfamily and give your new blended family the best possible opportunity for success. by Dr. Susan Bartell, author of Stepliving for Teens: Getting Along with Stepparents, Parents, …