Tag Archives: ADHD

For ADD and ADHD help and support, visit the following organizations, groups, and sites. ADD Forums ADD Forums International online ADD/ADHD community. ADD/ADHD Online Newsletter Newsletter that focuses on the biological, environmental and nutritional factors of ADD and ADHD. American Institute for …

What should parents do if the school identifies your child with potentially having ADD or ADHD? Have the school put their concerns and directions in writing. If the school tells you that your child needs medication to control his or her …

Is ADD and ADHD medication really the best option? Although no chemical imbalance has ever been proven, health professionals prescribe stimulant medication (such as Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall, Vyvanse, Focalin, Metadate, Dexedrine, Daytrana) as the primary treatment in correcting the “chemical …

Before accepting a diagnosis of ADD or ADHD, parents should rule out these other conditions that cause similar behaviors. Allergies and sensitivities to food (dairy, grains, eggs, peanuts, food dye) and the environment (mold, grass, pollen, animal dander, dust-laden homes) can …

ADD/ADHD: Attention Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Disorder describes the behaviors of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity that may be present in some children and adults. There are three different types of ADHD, depending on which types of behaviors are strongest in the …

Teens at risk for school failure Many teens experience a time when keeping up with schoolwork is difficult. These periods may last several weeks and may include social problems as well as a slide in academic performance. Problems are more …