Family Help in Missouri: Programs and Services

The following Missouri programs and services offer help and support to struggling and troubled teens and their families.

Also see Support Groups: Hope and Healing Through Community >>>

Future MenFuture Men  417-546-4171
Future Men is a Christian residential program for young men, ages 16-20, with year-round enrollment, providing Biblical counseling and worldview training, individualized academics to complete high school requirements and receive a diploma, and an apprenticeship program with master tradesmen. Located in the beautiful Ozark mountains of rural Missouri, Future Men offers a safe and structured environment, assisting youth to embrace the responsibilities and freedoms that come with true manhood. Watch the video, Getting Out of Denial, and read director Aaron Boldman’s  article, The Value of Work.

ShelterwoodShelterwood  800-584-5005
Founded in 1970, Shelterwood is a therapeutic Christian boarding school for teen boys and girls that provides accredited academics, individual, group and family counseling, outdoor therapy, mentorship program, life skills learning experiences, spiritual retreats, and family retreat weekends.  Shelterwood is located in the Kansas City area, surrounded by 200 wooded acres of rolling hills in the beautiful Missouri River Basin.

Catholic Charities of Missouri
There are four Catholic Charities agencies in Missouri ? St. Louis (314-367-5500), Kansas City-St. Joseph (816-221-4377), Southern Missouri (417-866-0841 ext. 122), and Central & Northern Missouri (573-635-7719) ? that provide family services, pregnancy support, veterans services, disaster relief assistance, and counseling for a broad range of issues, including family concerns, mental health, and substance abuse,

Child Abuse Prevention Association  816-252-8388
Counseling and family support services in Independence to prevent and treat all forms of child abuse and to trengthen relationships and promote healing.

Columbia Builds Youth  573-474-8560 or 800-844-6029
CBY is a YouthBuild program for low-income youth, ages 16-24, providing GED preparation, literacy education, construction training (residential and highway), job search preparation and job placement assistance, and 12-months follow-up post graduation.

Comtrea Community Treatment  636-931-2700
Community mental health center for Jefferson County provides family and children’s services, counseling, and adolescent alcohol and drug abuse residential  treatment.

Covenant House of Missouri  314-533-2241 or 314-351-4866
Shelter and services to youth, ages 16-21, who are homeless, runaways, or at risk. Programs include 24-hour crisis help, temporary crisis shelter, transitional living, GED preparation, literacy and tutoring services, individual, group  and family counseling, health care, life skills program, street outreach, and a youth drop-in/recreation center.

Epworth Children and Family Services  314-961-5718
Emergency shelter, residential treatment, and educational day treatment  for youth, ages 11-21, who struggle with emotional or behavioral challenges, or who are making the transition from childhood to adulthood without family involvement or support. Located in Webster Groves.

Family Resource Center  314-534-9350
One of Missouri’s largest family counseling agencies, specializing in the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect. Services include individual and group counseling, sexual abuse group treatment, parent education, and mentoring.

Institute for Peace and Justice  314-918-2630
An interfaith organization that offers resources, workshops, and advocacy for families, children and youth, educators, religious leaders and educators, and college seminary students that promote peace, nonviolence, and justice.

Job Corps Centers in Missouri  800-733-5627
816-629-3111 Excelsior Springs Job Corps
573-222-3537  Mingo Civilian Conservation Center
314-679-6200 St. Louis Job Corps
The nation’s largest and most comprehensive residential education and job training program for at-risk youth, ages 16-24.

Mercy Ministries  615-831-6987 Admissions
Free residential Christian program for girls and young women who are dealing with such problems as substance abuse, unplanned pregnancies, suicidal tendencies, eating disorders, depression, abuse, self-injury, and sexual addictions. The St. Louis, Missouri location serves young women, ages 18-28.

Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault  816-531-0233  24 Hour
Social service agency serving victims and survivors of sexual assault and child sexual abuse and their families through prevention, education, intervention, treatment, and advocacy. Limited specialized services to adolescent and adult offenders. Service area includes seven counties; Jackson, Platte, Clay and Cass counties in Missouri (and Johnson, Wyandotte and Miami counties in Kansas).

Missouri Girls Town  573-642-5345
Residential and outpatient care for neglected and abused girls, ages 8-21.

Missouri Protection and Advocacy Services  573-893-3333; 800-392-8667; 800-735-2966 TDD
Protects the rights of individuals with disabilities and mental illness by providing advocacy and legal services.

Missouri State Parks Youth Corps
By participating in the State Parks Youth Corps, Missouri youth, ages 17-23, help preserve and enhance Missouri’s state parks and state historic sites while developing the critical leadership skills that will prepare them for success in future careers.

Rose Brooks Center  816-861-6100 24 Hour
Services for women and children struggling to flee domestic violence, including prevention programming, crisis intervention and support.

Spofford  816-508-3400 or 877-806-3400
Intensive residential treatment for children, ages 4-12, with severe emotional and behavioral problems stemming from physical and sexual abuse, neglect, and mental health disorders. Spofford also offers SCAMPS, a summer day camp for children, ages 6-12, that provides social skills development; particularly peer interaction, conflict resolution, and self-confidence.

St. Louis Attachment Network 
Education, information and support to families and professionals to promote and facilitate healthy bonding and attachment in adoptive and foster care infants, young children, and adolescents.

Synergy Services  816-452-8535 or 800-491-1114 24 hour
Helps families in crisis — by serving clients of all ages including young children, adolescents and women in unsafe living environments and affected by the negative effects of traumatic life events such as child sexual or physical abuse, loss of a loved one, and domestic, school, and community violence. Synergy offers counseling and support services to children, youth, and struggling families, emergency shelter for young people in crisis, STOP VIOLENCE community education, and mentoring programs.

Youth in Need  636-946-5600
If you are a youth in crisis, you can access help 24 hours a day.
In St. Louis County, call the St. Louis County Youth Connection Helpline at 314-628-2929.
In St. Charles County, call the St. Charles County Youth Connection Helpline at 636-642-0642.
In St. Louis City, call Youth In Need’s 24-Hour Help Line at 636-946-3771.
25 locations in eastern Missouri Emergency shelter for children and teens, free individual, group and family counseling, transitional living group home for youth ages 16 to 21, teen parent program, adoption services, and street outreach to homeless and runaway youth.

YouthBuild Kansas City  816-777-2901
A program for unemployed and under-educated young people, ages 16-24, to work toward their GED or high school diploma while learning job skills by building affordable housing for homeless and low-income people.