Family Help in Illinois: Programs and Services

The following Illinois programs and services offer help and support to struggling and troubled teens and their families.

Adoption Information Center of Illinois  800-572-2390  Information and resources you need before, during, and after becoming an adoptive or foster parent. Informaci?n en Espa?ol

Asian Youth Services  773-517-8525  After-school tutoring program, drop-in center, enrichment classes, and summer programs for students ages 5 to 20, located in Uptown Chicago.

Aunt Martha’s Youth Service Center  877-692-8686  Comprehensive community-based programs for children, youth, and families in Illinois.  Services include substance abuse treatment, counseling, free tutoring, juvenile justice services, and temporary foster care housing.

Autism Society of Illinois  630-691-1270; 888-691-1270  Education, advocacy and support.  Visit Asperger Syndrome: Help and Support >>>

Brain Injury Association of Illinois  312-726-5699800-699-6443  Statewide membership organization of people with brain injuries, family members, friends and professionals. Find a support group near you >>>

Equip for Equality  800-537-2632 Voice; 800-610-2779 TTY  Safeguards the rights of Illinois children and adults with physical and mental disabilities (including developmental disabilities and mental illnesses) through advocacy, information and referral, and special education services.

Family Resource Center on Disabilities  312-939-3513  Education, support, and advocacy for children with disabilities, including ADHD.

Grief Programs for Children and Teens in Illinois  Information from the National Alliance for Grieving Children.

HIV/AIDS Illinois  800-243-2437 HIV/AIDS Hotline  Information and resources from the Illinois Department of Public Health, including testing sites in Illinois, educational publications in both English and Spanish, and links to helping organizations.

Illinois Center for Autism  618-398-7500  Year-round day school for students, ages 3-21, with autism, PDD, Asperger Syndrome, mental retardation, specific learning disabilities, speech/language impairment, emotional disturbance and developmental delay. Client and family support, and transitional services also offered.

Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence  877-863-6338 Helpline  Professional membership organization advocating on the local, state, and national levels for policies and practices that make domestic violence survivors safe and hold batterers accountable. Find domestic violence help and partner abuse intervention programs and services >>>

Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault  ICASA consists of 29 sexual assault crisis centers and 27 satellite offices. Each center and satellite responds to victims of sexual assault. Staff and volunteers provide counseling, education, and advocacy for victims and their families. Informaci?n en Espa?ol

Illinois Department of Children and Family Services  800-232-3798  Information about child abuse protection, foster care, adoption, day care, and family  services provided by one of the largest state child welfare agencies in the U.S.

Illinois Parents  Information and referrals to educational resources, local programs, organizations, and events that provide programs and services for Illinois families.

Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition  Grassroots education and advocacy organization based in Oak Park with members throughout Illinois and in other parts of the U.S. that provides up-to-date information on vaccines so that parents can make informed choices.

Job Corps Centers in Illinois  773-847-9820 Chicago; 618-285-6601 Golconda; 815-727-7677 Joliet  Free residential education and job training program for at-risk youth, ages 16-24. Visit Free and Low-Cost Schools and Teen Programs >>>

Learning Disabilities Association of Illinois  708-430-7532   Advocacy, information, and support to people with learning disabilities, their parents, teachers, and other professionals. Provides scholarships for post-secondary education for learning disabled students, as well as those individuals going in to the field of teaching learning disabled students.

Lincoln’s ChalleNGe Academy  800-851-2166  Helps high school dropouts between 16 and 18 years of age in a free 17-month program designed to give them the skills and educational opportunities they need to become contributing, self-supporting members of their communities. An innovative program, run by the Illinois National Guard, as a comprehensive approach to the dilemmas facing today’s high school dropoutsApplications are now being accepted for the class that will begin July 10th & 11th 2014. 

LOSS (Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide)  312-655-7700  Non-denominational support program for those who are grieving a death by suicide of a family member or close friend offered by Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago in collaboration with the Diocese of Joliet.

Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois  708-771-7180  Faith-based social services agency serving children, youth, and families of all faiths throughout Illinois. Services include individual, family and marital counseling, parenting and family life education, trauma and crisis counseling, pregnancy counseling and support, adoption services, summer camp, and adult retreats.

Metropolitan Family Services  312-986-4000  Centers throughout Chicago, southwest Cook County, DuPage and Evanston/ Skokie Valley that provide counseling, mental health services, legal aid, and child abuse prevention services.

Reading and Learning Lab  773-325-7745  Assessment and remedial services to children and youth in the metropolitan Chicago area at a very low cost (sliding scale available). Service provided by DePaul University’s School of Education, Program in Language, Literacy and Specialized Instruction.

Suicide Prevention Services  630-482-9696  Suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. Information and referrals, workshops and trainings, and confidential, educational self-help groups for suicide attempters and survivors of suicide in Aurora, Batavia, and Sandwich.

Teen Mother Choices  847-599-8135  Christian organization serving teen mothers, ages 13-19, in Antioch, Arlington Heights, and Gurnee. Services include mentoring program, life skills workshops, financial assistance for child care while working or attending school, referrals to helping organizations.

The Josselyn Center  847-441-5600  Services include screening and assessment, counseling and psychotherapy, adolescent substance abuse program, ADHD treatment, crisis intervention, and support groups.  Serves more than 60 communities in the Northern Illinois region

United Methodist Children’s Home  618-242-1070  Faith-based social service agency providing services to individuals, families, and communities, including residential treatment, transitional living program for youth ages 17-21, counseling services, and autism resources.

Youth Outreach Services  773-777-7112 Serves youth, ages 12-18, with individual, group, and family counseling, crisis intervention, and prevention programs in Austin, Cicero, Irving Park, Maywood, and Melrose Park.

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