Find more Washington DC youth and family law at Adolescence: Youth Law, Policy, and Rights >>>
Anti-Bullying Laws and Policies for Washington, DC
DC Laws Regulating Home Education
DC Public Schools: Student Discipline
District of Columbia Legal Ages Laws
District of Columbia Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
Domestic Violence: Legal Information for Washington, D.C. If you need a free protective order, contact your Domestic Violence Intake Center at 202-561-3000 or 202-879-0152.
Juvenile Matters – Information for Parents with Youth Who are Awaiting Trial or on Probation
Minors’ Access to Protective Orders and Sensitive Services in Washington, D.C.
Minors’ Consent Law The legal ability of minors to consent to a range of sensitive health care services — including sexual
and reproductive health care, mental health services and alcohol and drug abuse treatment
Sex Offender Registry for Washington, D.C.
Megan’s Law in Washington, D.C.
Think Before You Plead: Juvenile Collateral Consequences in District of Columbia
Truancy: Legal Information DC law requires that schools refer truancy cases. If your child has missed 25 days of school or more, the school should have contacted you and offered supportive services prior to making the truancy referral to the courts.
When Your Child is Arrested The DC Family Court has jurisdiction over all proceedings in which a child is alleged delinquent. By definition, a child in Washington DC is generally any individual who is under 18 years of age. However, this does not include youth between the ages of 16 and 18 who have been charged murder, first degree sexual abuse, and first degree burglary.
Your Medical Rights in the District of Columbia This guide helps you understand how to see, get a copy of, and amend (correct) medical records from District of Columbia health care providers who have to follow the HIPAA Privacy Rule.
Youth Law in District of Columbia – Access to Protective Orders and Sensitive Services Minors can obtain Protection Orders (POs), and courts can issue POs against minor abusers. DC also allows people in dating relationships to seek POs against their abusers.