The following Connecticut programs and services offer help and support to struggling and troubled teens and their families.
AIDS Connecticut
Help to improve the lives of people impacted by HIV through care and supportive services, housing, advocacy and prevention.
Alcoholics Anonymous in Connecticut
Find a Connecticut AA meeting, learn about Alcoholics Anonymous, find information for friends, family, and professionals who work with alcoholics. Also see Support Groups: Hope and Healing through Community.
Autism Society of Connecticut
Information and resources for parents, educators, therapeutic and medical professionals to enhance the lives of those touched by Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Brain Injury Association of Connecticut
Brain injury prevention, education, support, and advocacy.
Catholic Charities
Faith-based organization that serves people of all faiths in Hartford, Litchfield, and New Haven Counties Services include child guidance clinics, counseling, mental health services, substance abuse treatment, family centers, family violence education programs, parenting education.
Child and Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut
Provides programs dealing with child abuse, family violence, teen pregnancy, children’s health care, child care, parenting, child guidance and family preservation.
Children’s Law Center of Connecticut
888-LAW-DOOR (529-3667) Family Law Helpline
Legal advocacy, mediation services,
Connecticut Association of Foster and Adoptive Parents
888-223-2780 24 Hour Helpline
Support, education, and advocacy for foster and adoptive families and those who work with them, includingsupport groups across the state.
Connecticut Autism Spectrum Resource Center
Education and public awareness about autistic spectrum disorders, and devoted to empowering families and lessening their isolation.
Connecticut Council of Family Service Agencies
Statewide network of community-based, family service agencies that deliver services to children, youth, adults, and their families throughout Connecticut.
Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center
860-739-3089 Niantic
Information and support to families of children with any disability or chronic illness, age birth through 21.
Connecticut Renaissance
203- 866-2541
Mental health, substance abuse and community release services, including juvenile mental health and substance abuse treatment programs in Norwalk and Stamford.
Connecticut Tourette Syndrome Association
Information and support to people with TS, their families, and others concerned about Tourette Syndrome.
Connecticut Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities
Domestic Violence Programs and Agencies in Connecticut
888-774-2900 Domestic Violence Hotline
Job Corps Centers in Connecticut
860-953-7201 Hartford
203-397-3775 New Haven
Free residential education and job training program for at-risk youth in Connecticut, ages 16-24.
Lutheran Social Services of New England
Programs and services for children, youth, adults, and families throughout the New England states.
Madonna Place
860-886-6600 Norwich
Provides services that strengthen families and help to prevent child abuse and neglect, including parenting classes, anger management classes, referrals, counseling, and advocacy.
Mental Health Association of Connecticut
Education, advocacy, and support.
Sexual Assault Crisis Programs in Connecticut
888-568-8332 Espa?ol
Listing of free and confidential services in Connecticut.
Voluntary Services Program
Program for Connecticut children and youth with serious emotional disturbances, mental illnesses and/or substance dependency. This program is only for families who are not abusive or neglectful.
Volunteers in Psychotherapy
860-233-5115 West Hartford
Innovative organization that provides private psychotherapy for no fee or a low fee.