Find more Arizona youth and family law at Adolescence: Youth Law, Policy, and Rights>>>
Arizona Driving Under the Influence Laws
Arizona Law for Kids Created by the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services and Education to educate Arizona’s youth, their parents, communities and schools about youth laws and encourage law-abiding behavior. For specific laws and changes in the law, go to Arizona Youth Law>>>
Arizona Sex Offender Information Arizona classifies sex offenders with risk assessment scores of Level 1 (Low) to Level 2 (Intermediate) or Level 3 (High), and only sex offenders at the latter two levels require public notification.
Lake Havasu City Sex Offenders
Legal Definitions of Sexual Offenses in Arizona
Pima County Sex Offender Watch
Yuma County Sex Offender Watch
Emancipation in Arizona You must be 16- or 17-years-old to apply for emancipation. You have to be a resident of Arizona and be able to prove that you can support yourself
Emancipation in Arizona: Q & A
Grandparents’ Rights in Arizona
Guide to Child Protective Services (CPS) in Arizona
Kaity’s Law – Know Your Legal Rights in Dating Relationships NOTE: Kaity’s Law, named for Kaitlyn Marie Sudberry, enacted on Sept 30, 2009 in Arizona provides those in dating relationships (romantic or sexual) the same protection under the law as those who are married, live with someone, blood related, have a child in common, or are pregnant under the AZ Domestic Violence statutes 13-3601. An Order of Protection can be filed and under Arizona’s Three Strikes Law, a third domestic violence offense is a felony.
Minors’ Consent Law In most cases, state consent laws apply to all youth age 12 and older.
Parental Rights & Obligations in Arizona
Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect in Arizona
Self-Advocacy Guides for Disability-Related and Special Education Legal Issues
Think Before You Plead: Juvenile Collateral Consequences in Arizona
Where to Find Legal Help in Arizona
Your Medical Record Rights and Privacy in Arizona
Youth State Law in Arizona – Access to Protective Orders and Sensitive Services