The 10 Commandment hold us together. They lead us out of our self-centeredness into loving relationships and caring community. In Losing Moses on the Freeway: The 10 Commandment in America, Chris Hedges writes: The commandments are a list of religious …

The heart of Thanksgiving is gratitude as we celebrate the blessings of life. Being grateful — expressing our thanks and appreciation — promotes life, letting friendship, closeness, and unity bloom. Grateful people report higher levels of positive emotions, life satisfaction, vitality, optimism, …

by Debbie Pincus, MS LMHC Does this sound familiar? You’ve told your teen she can’t go out with her friends this Friday because she came in past curfew last weekend. There’s been a huge fight where one — or both of …

Ideally, well organized youth sports programs provide a safe and wholesome environment where young people can have fun, make friends, and develop character, self-esteem, confidence, trust, and the accomplishment of goals. Young people who take part in organized sports programs are …

The school was once a safe learning community. This is no longer true. Bullying, fights, assaults, school shootings — the school has become the daily scenario of violent incidents. Young people are injured and sometimes killed. They see others harmed …

The grief journey for a teen is different from that of a child or an adult. The death of a significant person in a teen’s life compounds and complicates the developmental process of adolescence. The teenager suddenly finds himself dealing …

Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak whispers the o’er-fraught heart and bids it break. ? William Shakespeare by Sharon Strouse, author of Artful Grief: A Diary of Healing It’s part of life. Someone special died today. Someone’s father or mother, …

We know we should avoid stress. Stress fatigues us, changes our mood, and disturbs our sleep patterns, but research is starting to show that it has much more serious implications. Stress is internal or external influences that disrupt a person’s …