Cyberbully, the full movie ? WATCH, SHARE, DISCUSS

Cyberbully, the full movie ? WATCH, SHARE, DISCUSS

We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. ? Elie Wiesel

Discussion and teaching materials

Information from the Morgan Meier Foundation

Information from the Cyberbullying Research Center

A Book for Teens

Words Wound: Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Go Viral by Justin W. Patchin   ... the first book that has been specifically written for teens to help them confront cyberbullying. Whether they are being targeted, see cyberbullying happening to others, or want to promote kindness within their schools, this book provides practical and proven advice on issues teens face every single day. Parents need to buy this book, read it, and share its wisdom with their children? Michelle Borba, author of Building Moral Intelligence