Runaways and Missing Children: Help and Support

Contact these organizations if your teen is a runaway or is missing.

American Association for Lost Children     724-600-5744  Finds and rescues missing children operating strictly on donations.

Child Find of America     800-I-AM-LOST (800-426-5678)  Works to locate missing children through active investigation and publicity, prevent child abduction through education, and prevent/resolve incidents of parental abduction through conflict management and mediation.  

Child Find Canada     800-387-7962  24/7  National Canadian organization representing and supporting its provincial Child Find offices that assist in the search for and prevention of missing children. 

Child Quest International     888-818-HOPE (888-818-4673)  Dedicated to the protection and recovery of missing, abused and exploited children everywhere, and at-risk adults in the San Francisco Bay area. Services are offered free to all victims and their families. 

Heidi Search Center     800-547-4435  Assists families, communities and law enforcement in the recovery of missing persons, by advocating for families, participating in law-enforcement sanctioned search efforts, and providing prevention and safety outreach programs.

Jacob Wetterling Resource Center     800-325-HOPE (800-325-4673) 24/7  Emotional support, case management, resource referral, missing child posters. 

Missing Children Society of Canada     800-661-6160  Works to reunite missing children with their searching families through free professional investigations, public awareness and family support programs.

Missing People UK     116 000 24/7  Help and support in UK for those who run away or go missing, and for their families and loved ones.

Morgan Nick Foundation     479-632-6382 or 877-543-HOPE (877-543-4673)  Support network in for parents and families of all missing children. 

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children     800-THE-LOST (800-843-5678) 24/7  America’s national clearinghouse on issues related to missing and sexually exploited children. 

National Runaway Safeline     800-RUNAWAY (800-786-2929) 24/7  Federally designated national communication system for runaway and homeless youth and their concerned families. 

Operation Lookout     425-771-SEEK (425-771-7335); 800-LOOKOUT (800-566-5688) 24/7  Services include computerized search, national and international networking, investigative casework, search assistance, poster and picture design and distribution, victim support, court advocacy, law enforcement coordination, reunification planning, legal and social service referrals, hope, encouragement, and emotional support. Services are always free of charge. 

Polly Klaas Foundation     800-587-4357 24/7  Works for the safety of all children, the recovery of missing children, the support of the family, and public policies that keep children safe in their communities. 

Team HOPE     866-305-HOPE (866-305-4673)  Parent network for families of missing children offering encouragement, empowerment, resources, and support.

What To Do If Your Teen is a Runaway or is Missing >>>