The following bullying prevention awareness resources include organizations, websites, anti-bulling guides, bullying laws and policy. Read the information to learn more about the bullying problem and contact the resources for help, support, and legal information.
Bullying Prevention Awareness ? Organizations and Websites
Beat Bullying International bullying prevention charity working and campaigning to make bullying unacceptable, on the ground in the UK and across Europe.
Ben Cohen Stand Up Foundation World Cup Rugby Champion Ben Cohen’s organization that raises awareness of the long-term, damaging effects of bullying and supporting those doing real-world work to stop it.
Bully Bust: A Community of Upstanders Nationwide bully prevention campaign that supports students and adults to become “upstanders” — people who stand up against bullying or mean/cruel behavior, and mobilize the entire community to end harmful harassment, teasing, and violence in our nation’s schools.
Bully Police USA Watch-Dog organization reporting on state anti-bullying laws & advocating for bullied children
Bullystoppers Free bully reporting plus strategies, tips, and advice for students, parents, and schools.
Bullying No Way! Australia’s supportive anti-bullying site for students, parents, teachers, and young children.
Bullying UK Information, guidance for students, parents, and educators, prevention resources, and a forum for parents and families to share experiences.
Cyberbullying Research Center Up-to-date information about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents.
In Memory of Jared High The emotional and physical effects of bullying and the lack of intervention and support from his school brought about depression and a feeling of worthlessness that culminated in Jared’s suicide. Excellent site with information on what parents can do to advocate for their child and stop school violence.
Make A Difference For Kids This organization, dedicated to the awareness and prevention of cyberbullying and suicide, was created in memory of Rachael Neblett, and Kristin Settles, two Mt. Washington, Kentucky teens who died as the result of suicide.
Megan Meier Foundation Awareness and education that promotes positive change to children, parents, and educators in response to the ongoing bullying and cyberbullying in our children’s daily environment. Offers the Megan Meier Memorial Scholarship to students who proactively help lessen the effects of bullying in their schools and communities. Megan, committed suicide when she was 13, after being cyber bullied. Read Megan’s story, then take a stand against cyber bullying.
National Bullying Prevention Center
National Centre Against Bullying Advises and informs the Australian community on the issue of childhood bullying and the creation of safe schools and communities, including the issue of cyber-safety.
No Bullying Online forum aimed at educating, advising, counseling and all importantly, helping to stop bullying, in particular, cyber bullying.
Ryan’s Story In memory of Ryan Patrick Halligan, a 13-year-old middle-school student in Essex Junction, Vermont who took his life after being bullied at school and online.
Stop Bullying A federal government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Stop School Bullying Kalamazoo College’s site dedicated to creating safe learning environments.
Teens Against Bullying Created by and for teens, it’s a place for middle and high school students to find ways to address bullying, to take action, to be heard.
Bullying Information and Anti-Bullying Guides
Bringing Youth to the Table in Bullying Prevention Policy Making
Bullying: A Module for Teachers From the American Psychological Association
Bullying in School: The Traumatic Effects of Bullying on Children
Bus Drivers and Bullying Prevention
Direct From the Field: A Guide for Bullying Prevention This guide includes the collective wisdom of schools across Massachusetts that have discovered ways to make the culture of their classrooms and schools one of caring and respect.
Educator’s Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats This document provides information about cyberbullying and cyberthreats for educators and other professionals who focus on youth safety and well-being and gives recommendations for a comprehensive school and community-based approach to address these concerns.
Everything You Need To Know About Bullying 46-page report from the Bully Police USA.
Girls Guide to End Bullying This free guide can be used as a comprehensive anti-bullying intervention as well as an anti-bullying resource. Girls can use The Guide on their own or with their friends, teachers, or parents. Includes Parent Manual and Teacher Manual.
How Great Teachers Can Identify and Prevent Bullying in Schools
Implementing Bullying Prevention Programs in Schools: A How-To Guide A guide for school personnel trying to determine how to implement effective bullying prevention and intervention programming. It offers ideas on how to think about the process and how to identify and evaluate the right program for their community.
Media Guidelines for Bullying Prevention Recommendations and help to journalists, bloggers, the entertainment creative community, and others who are developing content about bullying.
Motherly Law: Anti-bullying laws aren’t doing enough
Natural Born Bullies Every bully we meet is someone who is being or has been bullied.
Parent Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats Guidelines to prevent your child from being victimized or engaging in harmful online behavior, and guidance on what you can do in either case.
Parents, beware of bullying on sites you’ve never seen
Preventing Bullying: A Manual for Schools and Communities
Suggestions for Parents When Dealing with Bullying Excellent guide on what to do and how to handle bullying (including dealing with schools that are unresponsive) from Bully Police USA.
The Bully and the Bystander
The Bullying Circle The roles people play in a bullying situation.
The Rise of Incivility and Bullying in America
Bullying Laws and Policy
Analysis of State Bullying Laws and Policies
Bullying, Harassment and Hazing: State School Health Policy Database This database provides a listing of all current state policies addressing bullying. There is an overview, plus links to the full legislative language, for each state.
Harassment, Bullying, and Free Expression: Guidelines for Free and Safe Public Schools Prevention of harassment and bullying is essential for healthy, effective public schools. But that effort must not lead to excessive limitations on the constitutional right of students to freedom of expression. School officials have an obligation to seek the right balance between upholding free speech and maintaining a safe learning environment for all students.
State Cyberbullying Laws, as of December 2013