Behavior Problems, Mental Health Issues

Often people dismiss bullying as a normal part of growing up. But bullying is cruel and harmful. Its not normal healthy behavior. Its not boys being boys. Being bullied can lead young people to feel anxious, depressed, and afraid. Most

Fire can warm or consume, water can quench or drown, wind can caress or cut. And so it is with human relationships; we can both create and destroy, nurture and terrorize, traumatize and heal each other. ? Bruce D. Perry An

The character of a person is shown through his or her personality ? by the way he or she thinks, feels, and behaves. Most personality disorders begin as problems in personal development and character during adolescence that can lead to an

One in five youth run away from home before age 18. Some as young as age 10. Is your teen a runaway risk? Imagine your son or daughter, niece or nephew in a classroom full of children. Is the child

Teen drinking continues to be a major health problem in the United States. Alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency affect a significant number of young people between the ages of 12 and 20. In fact, alcohol is the drug of choice

Every two minutes, someone in the United States is sexually assaulted, according to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN). 44 percent of those victims are under the age of 18. In fact, research indicates that at least 1

Daniel Lajterman of Ramsey, New Jersey died on February 23, 2014 from a drug overdose. He was 19-years old. Before his death, Daniel bought what he believed to be heroin but was fentanyl-laced heroin. Fentanyl is a synthetic opiate painkiller that

Heroin is easy to get, cheaper than prescription painkillers, and has moved into middle- and upper-middle class neighborhoods. Todays heroin addict is a white, middle-class. 18-25 year-old. This is the heroin epidemic. This half-hour documentary, Heroin at Home: Rise of